Our Story

Northern Beaches Church is a community of people that love Jesus and enjoy spending time with each other.

We officially launched in April 2013 after years of prayer, planning and ministry. We started with a small group of Christians desiring to see a new church on the peninsula initially focussing on the suburbs of Brookvale, Curl Curl and Dee Why. Now our members come from all over the Northern Beaches.

As a community, our aim is to bring glory to God as we know and serve Jesus Christ. We want to have a church where he is honoured and enjoyed, and where his supremacy is displayed, and to make him known to others. To do this, we aim to explain the Bible clearly and to take to heart what it says. We value the privilege of explaining what it says to others so that they also come to know him.

Our Ministries

  • NBC Youth

    For school years 6-12, NBC runs a youth group every Friday 6 - 8 pm during the school term .

    We’re on about Jesus, real friendships, the Bible and making the most of our lives!

  • NBC Kids

    Run in a welcoming and fun environment, our NBC Kids program is designed for children ages 4-11 and encourages them to learn from the Bible using lessons, games and crafts while enjoying each other’s company.

    There is a also crèche room with a video link for parents with babies/toddlers.

  • Small Groups

    Small groups meet either in person or online. There’s an opportunity for everyone to learn about God’s word in an environment you’re comfortable with.

    Mixed Group - Tuesday 7.30 - 9 pm

    Mixed Group Online - Wednesday 7.30 - 9 pm

    Young Adults Group - Thursday 7.30 - 9 pm

    Mixed Group Online - Friday 10.30 - 11.30 am

Current Sermon Series

Summer in the Psalms

During the Summer holidays, we love to delve back into the Psalms where we can find rest and a message of hope as it addresses a whole array of emotions that to this day still ring true.

Contact us

North Curl Curl Community Centre
2 Griffin Road
North Curl Curl, NSW 2099

Direct email

Daniel Ryan, Pastor
0412 089 220